======言語設定====== =====locale設定(初期)===== #dpkg-reconfigure locales 次のitemを選択 *C.UTF-8 *en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 *ja_JP.UTF-8 デフォルトを設定 *default: en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 =====keyboard===== # dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration Change Keyboard Layout 「Generic 105-key (Intl) PC」>「Japanese - Japanese (OADG 109A) 」 その他 (The degault for the kyrboard layout / No Compose key/ Ctrl+Alt+Del to shutdown X server) =====タイムゾーン===== # dpkg-reconfigure tzdata =====locale再設定(JP)===== #dpkg-reconfigure locales 次のitemを選択 *C.UTF-8 *en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 *ja_JP.UTF-8 デフォルトを設定 *default: ja_JP.UTF-8 =====LANG設定===== # update-locale LC_ALL=”ja_JP.UTF-8” # update-locale LANG=”ja_JP.UTF-8” # update-locale LANGUAGE=”ja_JP.UTF-8” # dpkg-reconfigure locales # reboot # vi /etc/default/locale LANG=”ja_JP.UTF-8” LANGUAGE=”ja_JP.UTF-8” LC_ALL=”ja_JP.UTF-8” # locale-gen ja-JP.UTF-8 # dpkg-reconfigure locales # reboot =====X日本語化===== ====IMインストール==== # apt-get install uim uim-anthy # apt-get install fonts-vlgothic ====IM選定==== IMはiBusでなくuimが良さそう # apt-get install ibus-anthy (これはダメ) # apt-get install ibus-mozc (これはどうでしょう?) # apt-get install uim uim-anthy (こっち) (参考) http://blog.goo.ne.jp/koregaiya/e/f083564297315f5b79a5cea3b353e291 ====uim toolbarの選択==== # update-alternatives --config uim-toolbar uim-toolbar-systray はアイコン表示がおかしい uim-toolbar-gtk ならOK ====uxtermの設定==== # vi .Xdefaults xterm*ximFont: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-130-75-75-c-140-jisx0208.1983-0 (参考) http://www.xmisao.com/2013/08/17/uim-xim-and-xterm-japanese-configuration.html